By admin, 2 December, 2024


A delegation comprising 24 VPIC leaders across four blocks and five MegLIFE staff from the Khasi and Garo regions representing each district, embarked on an exposure trip to Tripura from 04th to 08th March 2024. The exposure trip to Tripura, organized as part of the MegLIFE project, aimed to provide representatives from various villages with insights into sustainable forest management and livelihood improvement, drawing from the experiences of the SCATFORM project.

By admin, 27 November, 2024

Women play an essential role in all spheres of life, whether as caregivers, breadwinners, or labourers. However, in the context of rural development, the participation of women in decision-making and community-building leadership roles is often lacking or almost non-existent. Despite the pivotal role they play, social setbacks and inequalities between men and women impede their ability to fulfill their potential.

Women in Rural Development