A delegation comprising 23 VPIC leaders and Nokmas from the villages of Samanda, Baghmara, Betasing, and Rongram blocks, along with Five MegLIFE staff members representing each district, embarked on an exposure trip to West Bengal from 20th to 24th February 2024. The aim was to gain insights into community development, sustainable plantation practices, and income-generating activities through firsthand experiences. The group departed by flight at 3:30 PM on 20th February 2024 and arrived in Kolkata by 5:00 PM. The night was spent resting at Hotel Raj Palace to prepare for the ensuing activities
DAY 1: Visit to Durgapur
The team traveled to Durgapur at 8:30 AM, reaching around 2:30 PM after lunch. The visit started in the Burdwan Forest Division, Durgapur range led by Range Officer of Durgapur, with an interaction with the JFMC of Akandara village in Malandighi Beat. The discussion centered on JICA's contributions to community development and village infrastructure improvement based on Micro Planning. Subsequently, a 15-hectare successful plantation site at Rakshitpur village was visited, showcasing the organized planting of Sal trees and Sal associate trees namely, Malabar Neem, Piasal, etc... The success was attributed to the efforts of the JFMC, with assurances provided about land security in collaborations with JICA. The day concluded with a visit to Telepara JFMC, observing income-generating activities involving bamboo and Palmyra palm leaves.
Day 2: Exploring Beliatore and Simlapal
The team visited the central nursery of Beliatore Range, led by Range Officer Shri Moidul Islam, where 3 lakh saplings were being raised with a capacity for 5 lakhs, encompassing more than 10 different tree species. The journey continued to the oldest Sal plantation in Simlapal village (40 hectares) and concluded with an overnight rest in Bishnupur under the Panchet division.
Day 3: Engagements in Bishnupur
The delegation visited self-help groups in Bishnupur, learning about their efforts in making plates from Sal leaves and visited a Sal plantation site managed by CAMPA, including an inspection of contour trenches for soil water conservation, strategically dug at intervals of 10 meters throughout the site.

Day 4: Return to Guwahati
On the final day of our trip, we flew back to Guwahati, landing at around 9 AM. From there, we departed to our respective homes, carrying with us the valuable insights and experiences gained from our time in West Bengal. This journey not only enriched our understanding of sustainable practices and community development but also strengthened our resolve to implement these learnings in our own blocks for the betterment of our communities.

The trip illuminated the significance of plantation for future income generation and land reclamation, emphasizing the non-displacement assurance provided by JICA and the potential for community development through active participation and time management.
Motivated by the visit, Nokmas and VPIC leaders committed to offering more land for plantation projects without fear, ready to disseminate the message of security and opportunity within their communities.
The exposure trip to West Bengal was a valuable learning experience, providing practical insights into community development practices for all members of delegation. It fostered a sense of assurance and motivation among the VPIC leaders and Nokmas, empowering them to engage more confidently in future plantation and development projects.